Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Homework1: Setting the Family Vision

After participating in the first session of a Webinar conducted by Rumah Inspirasi, a homeschooling family in Indonesia, I have learned that before embarking on the journey to homeschool, we as parents must decide together what is important for our family. Our vision and our mission as a family is the key in deciding if homeschooling is better for our children than enrolling them in a school. It may be that what we envision for our children can be easily achieved by formal schooling thus having no need to even consider homeschooling.

Rumah Inspirasi never claim that homeschooling is always better than school. It could be that school is also good for our child. It depends on what we intend to achieve through our method of education. This factor also becomes the basis for deciding what type of school is best for our child, whether:
  • Secular School (Sekolah Negeri)
  • Religious School (Muhammadiyah, MAN, etc.)
  • Religious Boarding School (Pondok Pesantren)
  • International Schools (Sekolah Internasional
  • International Islamic School (JISc)
  • Etc.
Or the type of homeschooling approach, including:
  • School at Home
  • UnSchooling
  • Etc.
Finally, after a discussion with my husband, we have decided that for our child to have good manners and good character, is what's important for our children now. We observe that modern day schooling has if not almost completely wiped out Character Building in their curriculum. What good is the richest businessman if he does not do charity, what good is the smartest scientist if he thinks he can clone humans, and what good is a world traveler if he forgets his parents when they reach old age? We are concerned about the outcome of our children's personality and morality when we do not have control over what they learn at school. Consequently, we are in the stage of considering homeschool as a method to facilitate ourselves in teaching morals to our children.

We believe that children under age 7 must not be pressured to learn academics, instead to just let them play and discover their natural surroundings. So for now, I'll see what I can start teaching my boys as they are only 3.5 and 2 years old. Meanwhile, I will do research on the most suitable homeschooling method for them once they reach school age, 6 or 7 years old ~ if we decide to home school them, inshaAllah.

As a small note, I've always said "I" due to the fact that most of the education would be burdened on me since I would be the one with my children 24/7. al-Hamd'lillah for the blessing that I currently do not have to work outside the home. However, their father, not being home most of the time to carry out his occupation, would not be left out in deciding what all is important for them to learn. With this, as parents, we too will be pushed to constantly seek knowledge, both in deen and dunya to be passed on to our children. Praise be to Allah, I see this as my lifetime challenge.
So now, whenever I search for information on homeschooling, I should keep in mind always about what's important for my family to be taught and trained to our children.

Let's start the research!
Bismillahi rahmani rahim

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