Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Homework6: Managing The Day

Find out more about how to manage the homeschooling day.

Starting from managing:
  • The Family
  • The Educational Materials
  • The Learning Process
Google Up some Online Homeschooling Calenders.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Homework5: Utilizing the Internet for Homeschooling

Rumah Inspirasi suggested we should optimize the use of the internet to help us in our homeschooling. They quoted Bill Gates saying “Five years from now on the web for free you’ll be able to find the best lectures in the world. It will be better than any single university.” After a quick search on Google, it turns out that Bill Gates too chose not to go to school! He has been labeled as "The Riches Drop Out in The World" but from Harvard, a prestigious university, not from elementary through highschool. Still, I wonder had he not gone to the 12 year of schooling, would he be who he is now?


Practice using the internet to search for information to be used for homeschooling.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Homework4: Learning through Daily Activities

The idea of educating at home is that our children can learn how to act and acquire knowledge from the daily activities of the family.


1. What types of daily activities can my toddler and preschooler learn from?
2. What types of activities should I create to facilitate their learning?

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Homework3: Independent Learners

One objective of homeschooling is to help our children become more of an independent learner than a dependent student upon a school teacher. As the saying goes, "Education is not the filing of a bucket, but the lighting of a fire." We should teach our children to want to learn by themselves whatever they wish to learn and not merely wait for a teacher to teach them whatever is outlined by the government.

My homework, Google-up:

1. What is an independent learner? Self-Centered Learning (SCL)?
2. Reflect on self, have I been an independent learner?
3. How do I raise independent learning children?

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Cambridge Primary: Science Curriculum (Age 6)


Ideas and evidence
• Collect evidence by making observations when trying to answer a science question.
• Use first hand experience, e.g. observe melting ice.
• Use simple information sources.

Plan investigative work

• Ask questions and suggest ways to answer them.
• Predict what will happen before deciding what to do.
• Recognize that a test or comparison may be unfair.

Obtain and present evidence
• Make suggestions for collecting evidence.
• Talk about risks and how to avoid danger.
• Make and record observations.
• Take simple measurements.
• Use a variety of ways to tell others what happened.

Consider evidence and approach
• Make comparisons.
• Identify simple patterns and associations.
• Talk about predictions (orally and in text), the outcome and why this happened.
• Review and explain what happened.


Living things in their environment
• Identify similarities and differences between local environments and know about some of the ways in which these affect the animals and plants that are found there.
• Understand ways to care for the environment. Secondary sources can be used.
• Observe and talk about their observation of the weather, recording reports of weather data.


Material properties

• Recognise some types of rocks and the uses of different rocks.
• Know that some materials occur naturally and others are man-made.
Material changes
• Know how the shapes of some materials can be changed by squashing, bending, twisting and/or stretching.
• Explore and describe the way some everyday materials change when they are heated or cooled.
• Recognise that some materials can dissolve in water.


Light and dark
• Identify different light sources including the sun.
• Know that darkness is the absence of light.
• Be able to identify shadows.

• Recognize the components of simple circuits involving cells (batteries).
• Know how a switch can be used to break a circuit.

The Earth and beyond
• Explore how the sun appears to move during the day and how shadows change.
• Model how the spin of the Earth leads to day and night, e.g. with different sized balls and a torch.

Cambridge Primary: Science Curriculum (Age 5)


Ideas and evidence
• Try to answer questions by collecting evidence through observation.
Plan investigative work
• Ask questions and contribute to discussions about how to seek answers.
• Make predictions.
• Decide what to do to try to answer a science question.
Obtain and present evidence
• Explore and observe in order to collect evidence (measurements and observations) to answer questions.
• Suggest ideas and follow instructions.
• Record stages in work.
Consider evidence and approach
• Make comparisons.
• Compare what happened with predictions.
• Model and communicate ideas in order to share, explain and develop them.


• Know that plants are living things.
• Know that there are living things and things that have never been alive.
• Explore ways that different animals and plants inhabit local environments.
• Name the major parts of a plant, looking at real plants and models.
• Know that plants need light and water to grow.
• Explore how seeds grow into flowering plants.

Humans and animals
• Recognize the similarities and differences between each other.
• Recognize and name the main external parts of the body.
• Know about the need for a healthy diet, including the right types of food and water.
• Explore how senses enable humans and animals to be aware of the world around them.
• Know that humans and animals produce offspring which grow into adults.


Material properties
• Use senses to explore and talk about different materials.
• Identify the characteristics of different materials.
• Recognize and name common materials.
• Sort objects into groups based on the properties of their materials.


• Explore, talk about and describe the movement of familiar things.
• Recognize that both pushes and pulls are forces.
• Recognize that when things speed up, slow down or change direction there is a cause.

• Identify many sources of sound.
• Know that we hear when sound enters our ear.
• Recognize that as sound travels from a source it becomes fainter.